Guía de construcción de Borderlands 3 FL4K: las mejores construcciones de Beastmaster

  1. Guía de construcción de FL4K para Borderlands 3
  2. Construcción de mascota, Skag y Gamma Burst (construcción FL4K de Borderlands 3)
  3. High Damage build, Jabber Fade Away (Borderlands 3 FL4K build)

FL4K el Señor de las Bestias siempre ha sido uno de los personajes más versátiles de Borderlands 3 , con su capacidad de combinar sus tres poderosas habilidades de acción con una criatura compañera única y leal.

En esta guía de construcción de Borderlands 3 FL4K , hemos establecido las construcciones de primer nivel que puedes usar en el juego base para aprovechar al máximo a este poderoso Beastmaster: una para Jabber y Fade Away , una para Skag y Gamma Burst , y una para Spiderant y Rakk Attack .

En esta página:

  • Construcción de francotirador, Spiderant y ¡Ataque Rakk!
  • Construcción de mascota, construcción de Skag y Explosión Gamma
  • Configuración de daño alto, configuración de Jabber y Fade Away

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Guía de construcción de FL4K para Borderlands 3

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En este punto, volvería y pondría mis tres puntos en Persistence Hunter en el árbol de habilidades Master, solo por el aumento de daño adicional; y luego volvería a Hunter, porque queremos avanzar hasta la habilidad cumbre, Megavore , que te da la posibilidad de hacer un golpe crítico en cualquier parte de tu objetivo. Combinado con habilidades basadas en golpes críticos como Leave No Trace , Head Count , The Most Dangerous Game y Galactic Shadow , vas a infligir megadaño con tus francotiradores, especialmente si encuentras un buen rifle de francotirador fuerte (probablemente Jakobs) para combinar con esta configuración (¿quizás una de las armas legendarias ultrapoderosas de Borderlands 3 ?).

También te recomiendo que consigas un buen mod de clase que sobrecargue tu habilidad Grim Harvest , ya que aumentará el daño de tu arma y le dará a tus ataques Rakk un impulso muy necesario en el potencial de daño. Y los aumentos dobles de Flock 'N Load y Rakkcelerate garantizarán que cualquier enemigo que no sea aniquilado inmediatamente por tu francotirador no dure nada contra el bombardeo de tus Rakks.

Construcción de mascota, Skag y Gamma Burst (construcción FL4K de Borderlands 3)

Borderlands 3 FL4K build - Skag/Gamma Burst (Pet build). Click to view at higher resolution!
  • Primary Skill Tree(s): Master Stalker
  • Build Focus: Strong Solo Play, High Pet Damage Survivability
  • Best Skills for Class Mods: Ferocity, Frenzy, Pack Tactics, Eager To Impress, Hidden Machine

There's more than one way to build a strong solo FL4K, but one of the most fun is to elevate your pet of choice to god-tier levels of damage and survivability. This you can do thanks to a very balanced combination of the Master and Stalker skill trees. Here we're going to be using the Skag in tandem with a Gamma Burst that delivers extreme damage and benefits to both your pet and yourself whenever you use it (which will be constantly).

Persistence Hunter and Ferocity are the first skills you should look to upgrade, as they'll give you a great early game by increasing both your damage and your pet's damage quite considerably. Frenzy should definitely be your next pickup (more damage, yay!), followed by several points in Who Rescued Who?, which is - for the time being - your best bet to avoid your pet dying early on.

At this point we're going to swap over to the Stalker skill tree, and go through Self-Repairing System (a larger health pool is always good) so that we can max out the essential Eager To Impress skill, which will allow us to basically spam our Gamma Burst at every opportunity. All My BFF's and Turn Tail And Run are great additional pickups for survivability after this, and they'll allow us to reach Hidden Machine, which increases your damage against enemies not targeting you. The idea is that most of them should be targeting your now very tanky and dangerous Skag, leaving you in the clear.

4 points into Rage and Recover will drastically increase both FL4K's and Skag's tankiness, and will allow you to reach the Stalker Capstone, The Power Inside, which will massively increase your damage potential every time you use Gamma Burst. This is compounded by our Action Skill Augments: Empathic Rage, which increases your damage while Gamma Burst is active; and Endurance, which increases your pet damage and your Gamma Burst duration for every kill that your Skag makes while Gamma Burst is in effect. It's a fantastic synergy, and it means every time you use Gamma Burst, you can basically just sit back and keep firing from the sidelines while your Skag obliterates everyone in the vicinity. This is a seriously fun build that makes you feel like a true Beastmaster.

High Damage build, Jabber Fade Away (Borderlands 3 FL4K build)

Borderlands 3 FL4K build - Jabber/Fade Away (High Damage). Click to view at higher resolution!
  • Primary Skill Tree(s): Hunter Stalker
  • Build Focus: Extreme Gun Damage Crit Damage
  • Best Skills for Class Mods: Persistence Hunter (Highly Recommended), Head Count (Highly Recommended), Two F4ng, Big Game, Furious Attack, Overclocked

I'm not going to talk too much about this build, because it's not actually mine. This build was designed by YouTuber NickTew, who has released a full 20-minute video (see below) explaining why this FL4K build is so goddamn fantastic. In a nutshell, the build focuses heavily on Gun and Crit damage at almost every conceivable turn, even foregoing the traditional method of investing enough points in a tree to unlock the powerful Capstone skill at the end.

I thought for quite a while about whether I could improve upon this build in any way, but honestly if extreme gun damage is what you're after, it really doesn't get much better than this. The combination of the Unblinking Eye and Guerillas In The Mist augments to give you the maximum possible benefit from Fade Away's guaranteed crits, the points invested in skills such as Head Count, Two F4ng, Grim Harvest, Persistence Hunter, Overclocked, and The Fast and the Furryous to give you the most bonkers damage with pretty much any weapon you like. If you're just after raw DPS potential, here it is.

Take a look at NickTew's build video below.

Watch on YouTube

And with that, I think I'll end this Borderlands 3 FL4K build guide for the time being. But be sure to bookmark this page and check back every so often in case some fantastic new build has been discovered that ensures you get the maximum possible benefit from this deadly Beastmaster.

If you need more help with Borderlands 3 we've got other guides you can turn to. Check out our Borderlands 3 Shift Codes page to get free Golden Keys, or head to our primers on the Borderlands 3 weapons and Legendary weapons to bring yourself up to speed. We've also got other build guides for Amara, Moze and Zane.

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